So why Zazen anyway? Thats is a very good question. I don’t really know why I do it. Sure, a big reason is that I want enlightenment. I don’t know what that is, but I want it. Which I guess means I don’t know what it is I want. Which comes back around to not knowing why I do it.
An end to suffering could be the reason. What is suffering? Why is suffering? Who is it who is suffering? Perhaps the answers to those questions is what I am seeking. Perhaps that is why I do Zazen.
I sense somehow that this is a path I need to be on. I don’t know fully why just yet, but I sense that it is where I need to be going. Sort of like walking down a road in semi-darkness, knowing that the path is familiar without being able to discern the details of the path or clearly see the final destination. You keep going because you know somehow you will round a bend and find that whcih you seek.
Why do you sit?